Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Catching Up

Nothing beats the feeling of meeting an old friend after several years. Last time I've seen Ate Naty was in my best friend's wedding. She attended by surprise. She didn't say she will travel all the way from the province to Manila and surprised us with her arrival. When she went back to her town, years passed without us meeting again.

It was last Sunday. Because of the comfortability the rain was giving to people who loves sleeping so much, I woke up late. I was in a hurry and well, I am always disoriented when I am in a hurry so I left my phone. It was still raining but still, a lot attended the Sunday meeting. After the meeting, Llamin, a friend younger than me asked me to write her a speech for her school project so I spent almost an hour writing it. It was already 1:30 when I finished and the rain started pouring again. I have to spend thirty minutes or more in commuting and I know I will be late. Too bad, I still have to go back home and get my phone before heading to the meeting place. When I went back home, I still needed to change because the rain soaked me.

I arrived in FT at almost 3 PM. Ruth, Iyah, and Ate Naty was already there waiting for me.

I was so embarassed. But yey! I was there and I saw her at last. She's still the same. And you know the drill, catching up while waiting for the food to arrive. We took a mojito first and it was so good. They say it is one of the best sellers in Burgoo. The food is awesome too but I think they should also provide dips that go along with it because for me, the dip doesn't match. 

Thanks to Facebook, we've been keeping in touch with each other for a while and we learned that she and her husband (too bad I failed to attend her wedding) are visiting Kingdom Halls around the city as LDC representatives. It is like a CO's visit, but they focus more on constructing, renovating, and fixing Kingdom Halls. We're happy for her spiritual achievements. This week, they were assigned in one of the KH's near our place so we arranged to meet before they go visit other places again.

We spent hours of talking and sharing stories each other missed. She was surprised with all the things that took place when she wasn't with us and we also shared some spiritual encouragements with one another. It's fun to talk to friends who have the same spiritual outlook and it is really uplifting. Anyway, we decided to go and see Iyah's kids in her Mom's house for Ate Naty to see them. Last time she saw Iyah, she was still pregnant. It was fun bonding with the kids, of course. 

Ate Naty has to go, though. A local congregation which accommodated them set up a  congregation gathering and she has to be there. We understand, of course and we know this will not be the last. Will definitely miss her. 

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Photos owned by: Iya Pacao

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