Friday, October 10, 2014

An Open Letter for Rosalie

Dear Rosalie,

Let's Talk About Heartaches.

"Heartaches are part of growing up." It's an old cliche that most friends tell us when we experience one. People come and go. Some may leave marks in your heart and some will leave scars. We often wonder if we will ever survive after a heartbreak but YES. We will.

One good thing about posting your "Single" in-a-relationship-status in FB is that you get a lot of messages and greetings after. People start to ask if they can now go out with you and those who kept a secret admiration will now be able to let themselves free.

You need to give yourself a chance. You need to tell yourself that now is the time to be happy. Let us not use violence as revenge because HAPPINESS IS THE BEST REVENGE, always remember that.

You have to be happy. Surround yourself with people who are not going to remind you what happened in the past instead, will teach you how to enjoy life despite the wounds. Surround yourself with people who will tell you that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL (like the picture below) inside and out; that you are intelligent and the person who let you go away is dumb (for loosing a wonderful girl like you); that you are a sweet girl who just wants to love and to be loved; that you don't deserve to be treated as a rag, like someone who is worthless.

You see, you are very young and you have a lot of future ahead of you. Don't let anyone make you feel like your life is not meaningful just because someone left you. There are people out there who wants to love and take care of you more than you thought you need to.

You don't deserve to be an option but a CHOICE...
Be happy. Love and be loved. Enjoy life. <3

Your friend,
Joan ^^

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