Tuesday, June 10, 2014

At Dave's Place

My mother had been planning a dinner party at her friend's house, Ate Annie. She's my friend's mother too and I always drop by their place whenever I will be finished with my Bible studies. Most of my Bible students live near them so not a week passes by without me seeing them.

I was supposed to help with the cooking but while I was on my way to their place after work, I thought about having my hair dyed and the spontaneous me headed to the nearest salon. It took like... uh... 4 hours and I need to travel for 2 more hours so I wasn't able to help her and Mom because I arrived at almost 8 PM, when everything's ready.

So they were already eating when I got there. Mom cooked spaghetti and pork steak for dinner. My sister made her salad specialty which is totally amazing. Well, it's supposed to be a graduation party for my brother but since he didn't invite his friends, I guess it doesn't make it that way. Hehe. The boys had a little drink and we busied ourselves with chats and karaoke. Oyeah!

Goofing around with Elihu.
Someone's busy eating. Hehe

With Dave

With Aljon

#dinnerparty #noraebang #jwfriends
[*Credits to Dave Cruz for the photos.]

Monday, June 9, 2014

A New Playmate

I always observe this kid in the Kingdom Hall whenever we attend meetings. She's different. She was so young when I first met her and she is totally... well... she's just different. She reminds me of that Little Rascal TV series I used to watch when I was a kid. She's a bit rowdy and really playful. I often see her bullying other kids her age. She's very talkative. She always catches my attention but I never really had or spent time talking to her.

I love kids. I like hearing what they think and playing with their ideas. I like to listen to them and like what I always feel when surrounded with children, I got curious with her. Her name's Ricmal. She's a daughter of one of the sisters in the congregation, a very jolly woman.

I had a part in the Theocratic Ministry School and she was assigned to be my partner. I was reluctant because she is just 9 years old and she acts too playful for her age so I'm afraid she might not do it. On the contrary, she was very excited so her Mom and I agreed for me to drop by their place that week.

I did the assignment ahead of time and headed to their house after work. We rehearsed once and I was so surprised on how fast she got her part and even memorized it. What's more surprising is that she is a very sweet girl. She attended on me very well, handing me my merienda, getting my drinks, and entertaining me very well, which is a bit far from the kid I always observed in the Kingdom Hall.

I also thought that he's so boyish but she actually asked me if she could have a make over [kids nowadays!]. Anyway, I did not hesitate because I saw that she's very eager to have it, she was beaming while telling me to braid her hair and to do her makeup. I spoil kids so I did! =p

So we spent the rest of the afternoon doing you-know-what before dinner! Haha. This is how kids play nowadays. =)

Someone's busy playing on her phone. 

#playtime #kids 
[*Credits to Amalia Baguio for the photos.]

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Reunion of the Kinembulars

After stopping for a couple of years in college, I went back to school with new sets of classmates. It's good that I was not culture shocked with these people because they were all totally friendly and I must say, I really felt comfortable with every single person in their block. I met some of my closest friends today from them. I was expecting to graduate with them but given the circumstances that time, I wasn't able to. However, the friendship that we had even after they graduated remained.

We had some random meet-ups, usually a house party every year but we never really had the chance to go and eat out like what we did today. This is the first time, and well, one of the happiest meet-ups we had.

I first met Lorraine, who gained weight and well, still the same Lorraine I knew. She's this kind of person who is always perky and funny because of her funny punch lines about love. Haha! She's the one beside me, on my left side in this photo.

Then Ate Anna and Jed arrived. I really missed these people. Ate Anna is now a professor and Jed is looking forward tp her new job in our Alma Mater. They inspire me to pursue teaching more. I guess what I need is a little more push. It's my attitude to always hold back and doubt myself despite having a lot of people who trust in my abilities. Buti pa sila they trust me. Ako, I am always having doubts. :p

Jed and Anna

Anyway, we're so surprised to see George and his/her girlfriend. Haha!

George and his girlfriend

I am really not so comfortable looking at him because I was so used to him being so gay and all... and well... not he has a girlfriend. It's just very surprising. -_-

So we went to the nearest Shakeys resto since a lot of us wanted to have some pizza for the whole lot and then Ayhen and her boyfriend, Noel, arrived. It's good to meet Noel finally because Ayhen was always telling me about him before. Ayhen is my adopted daughter in the group. She calls me 'Nay' (mom) and I call her 'Nak' (daughter) and we were so used to be that way.

So now that I finally met Noel, I could say that Ayhen deserves this guy more. I don't want to comment about her previous one but if I am to state my opinion, Noel is much much better. He knows how to adjust and to mingle with people he met for the first time. He is not too feeling close and he is not so distant. I like him better.

It was a fun night. The usual chit chats about random stuff and the usual selfie and groupies that will always be present in all reunions.

Hehe. I needed to leave early because we will have a meeting in the Kingdom Hall [because it's Thursday] so we took some more photos before I left.

I heard they went to Fairview Terraces [the newly opened mall] after I left. Below is the evidence. -_-

#reunions #happiness #abengfriends #englishmajors
*Credits to Yhen, Noel, Jed, George, and Lorraine for the photos. 

The Bona Banana Productions Reunion

It's been a year since Tonio/Tonia hit the screens of Ever Gotesco Cinema and it was an exhilarating experience to watch a film I have written, I have directed, and I have played with the help of the PEOPLE who patiently did the same efforts to produce the film. It was a product of pure team work and patience; of friendship and love; and of motivation and endeavor.

We had been through a lot just to produce that film. There had been tons of dramas, fights, cold shoulder treatments, and other things our pressures did to each and everyone of us in the group but we survived. We were able to mend things and I learned a lot from them. I will never forget these people in my entire lifetime.

It's been a year since I have last seen these people in the stage of PICC accepting our diplomas after all the hardships. And now, we all have our own jobs and still not forget the fact that we have been a part of everyone's life. Well, not all members of the group were present but still, we were able to recall and reminisce everything since the conceptualization up to the awards night when we won the greatest award as a crown for all our labors.

Oh! Too much drama! We had a lot of fun! It was me and Lyka first, then Luz, and then we waited for Jozen and Bryan and we were so surprised how Bryan gained TOO MUCH weight. He was a super skinny boy before so it seems like he has an image of a blown up balloon [Peace Bry!] Haha!

Anyway, we're supposed to invite Kuya Aki over but he's busy cooking for a family occasion so we didn't wait for him anymore. Mark, our cinematographer and main editor didn't show up too. We haven't heard anything from him after the graduation and we terribly miss that guy but, well, he doesn't want to keep in touch as well. I just hope he's doing well. Some of them were not present too but I hope they will when we set another meet-up. It was a fun night, though. Despite having a limited time.

#reunions #bonas #tonio/tonia #abengfriends #englishmajors
*Credits to Bryan, Jozen, Lyka, and Luz for the photos. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

ABENG Through Time

The Abeng Fair 2014, where new and old friends gathered together to celebrate another wonderful year for the English majors is really something to be recalled.

It was indeed a great experience to be reunited with my GEMS family. The alumni gang's not complete though, but indeed, we had fun. Seeing the new members of the family makes my heart scream with joy. There is something in an English major's blood that really connects us.

My heart was pounding as I was walking to the event. It was awesome. I can see those lot busying themselves with a lot of things. I guess they were having some sorts of random games played in contribution to the event. I didn't mind looking closely because I don't want to get any attention.

Well, we had our usal chismisan time before the event proper started.

Sir Jocson, our former Linguistics professor welcomed me warmly. It feels good to talk to him again, after years of not seeing him in this branch of our university. I heard he stayed in the main campus for quite some time. Good news is that, he is the new Department Head and I am totally elated to hear the news. I am happy for the achievement he got because I know, he deserves it, despite the fact of not wanting it at the first place. I think, those people who deserves to be in the position are those who don't want the position but is deserving enough to be in those relative places, because they are the ones who are far from greed. Professor Tablanza was there too and I can't help admiring her as person. This time, I thought, she's like me in a lot of things, or I am like her in a lot of things...whatever. I just like her. I think, she's one of the truest professors I have ever known in UCC. 

We spent a deal of time being the critic of the booths they made. I was totally impressed with these people. I can see myself, several years backwards, when I was the one entertaining the panelists to be impressed. We don't have booths or some sort of stuffs back then, but I remember the numerous theater performances we did. It was exhilarating to think that I am so over those things now. And now it is their time to perform. Some of them welcomed us with a dance and other performances.

And this kid here, he just blew me away with such a super feminine voice singing, well... Defying Gravity lang naman~

And even our beloved Department Head performed his version of...err... I can't remember!

The program proper is awesome. The theme is "ABENG THROUGH TIME" and my friends were teasing me about being the personification of the title. Haha! The two hosts really nailed it. They know how to handle the crowd and all of us were totally impressed.

There was an instance there when they called the alumni and asked about their jobs. I don't agree with that part, really. Because what are they trying to point out? What if you are an alumni and you are not working yet? Does that mean you are not successful enough? And how do they really define success? Anyway, I didn't brood on these things because it will only ruin the night.

The night was finished leaving is with a lot of laughs and happiness for such a great event.

And, I won't forget to thank the "Maestro", our official photographer for the photos used in this blog. *wink*

#GEMS2014 #abengthrougtime #abengfriends #englishmajors

*Credits to Jonathan Perez and Renuel Fallore for the photos used in this blog.